River Hull Insurance
River Hull Insurance / Inland Hull
River hull insurance safeguards the economic interest of ship owners, participants and financiers of Commercial inland navigation. It covers the financial risk of Damage to the owner‘s own vessel as well as damage to third parties caused by the owner‘s fault or the fault of the vessel‘s crew.
The insurance covers the entire vessel, all its machinery, accessories and equipment. The subject of the insurance is damage caused by a navigation accident, fire, collision, vandalism, etc. At the same time, liability damage to other vessels, structures, etc. due to nautical fault is covered in accordance with the statutory liability provisions, such as CLNI. The different types of vessels used in inland navigation have their very own requirements for the scope of cover.
While tanker vessels, for example, require special cover for coating and pumping equipment, special Attention must be paid to catering facilities on passenger vessels.
We offer adequate cover extensions depending on the type of vessel and have tailor-made cover concepts for all segments of inland navigation such as tanker shipping, dry cargo shipping, hydraulic engineering and dredging vessels, and passenger shipping. Throughout Europe, shipping companies and their insurance brokers trust our expertise and our network as a leading insurer.
Accordingly, we are very familiar with the special Features of the respective markets and their insurance conditions.
What is insured?
- The entire vessel
- Machinery including the main propulsion system
- Appurtenances, installation and equipment