River Hull Insurance

River Hull Insu­rance / Inland Hull

River hull insu­rance safe­guards the economic inte­rest of ship owners, parti­ci­pants and finan­ciers of Commer­cial inland navi­ga­tion. It covers the finan­cial risk of Damage to the owner‘s own vessel as well as damage to third parties caused by the owner‘s fault or the fault of the vessel‘s crew.
The insu­rance covers the entire vessel, all its machi­nery, access­ories and equip­ment. The subject of the insu­rance is damage caused by a navi­ga­tion acci­dent, fire, colli­sion, vanda­lism, etc. At the same time, liabi­lity damage to other vessels, struc­tures, etc. due to nautical fault is covered in accordance with the statu­tory liabi­lity provi­sions, such as CLNI. The diffe­rent types of vessels used in inland navi­ga­tion have their very own requi­re­ments for the scope of cover.
While tanker vessels, for example, require special cover for coating and pumping equip­ment, special Atten­tion must be paid to cate­ring faci­li­ties on passenger vessels.
We offer adequate cover exten­sions depen­ding on the type of vessel and have tailor-made cover concepts for all segments of inland navi­ga­tion such as tanker ship­ping, dry cargo ship­ping, hydraulic engi­nee­ring and dred­ging vessels, and passenger ship­ping. Throug­hout Europe, ship­ping compa­nies and their insu­rance brokers trust our exper­tise and our network as a leading insurer.

Accor­dingly, we are very fami­liar with the special Features of the respec­tive markets and their insu­rance conditions.

What is insured?

  • The entire vessel
  • Machi­nery inclu­ding the main propul­sion system
  • Appur­ten­ances, instal­la­tion and equipment

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