Buil­ders‘ Risk Insurance

Cons­truc­tion Risk / Buil­ders‘ Risk

Insu­rance cover for newbuil­dings or conver­sions is in most cases provided by the respec­tive shipyard, but can also be purchased by the buyer.

We offer shipy­ards insu­rance cover for new cons­truc­tion, conver­sion and also for liabi­lity arising from repair work. The cover usually starts even before the launch of the vessel with the deli­very of the required parts and mate­rials. It is parti­cu­larly important that the period after laun­ching is also taken into account and that trial voyages and voyages up to final deli­very are fully insured.

During the entire cons­truc­tion period it is important to keep an eye not only on possible claims to the vessels itself, but also on the claims of third parties and the risk to the shipyard‘s own or co-used faci­li­ties and equip­ment. Cover is provided by frame­work contracts in which the indi­vi­dual projects are declared. Insu­rance cover for indi­vi­dual projects is also possible.

We offer shipy­ards and clients tailor-made cover for various types of conven­tional cargo ships in mari­time and inland navi­ga­tion, yachts, state and naval vessels, offshore vessels and other special ships.

For inter­na­tio­nally tendered projects and shipyard groups, we provide the capa­city of our partner insu­rers under all major and inter­na­tio­nally reco­g­nised cons-…???


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