House­boat Insurance

House­boats / Floa­ting Homes

Living and vaca­tion on the water has long since estab­lished itself in Germany. For many years now, we have been supporting indi­vi­dual proper­ties as well as large-scale projects of floa­ting homes and holiday resorts in Europe.

The classic buil­ding insu­rances usually lack the required scope of cover, but above all the under­stan­ding for this type of living. In order to insure the special dangers and risks to which house­boats, floa­ting homes and resi­den­tial ships are exposed on the water, a speci­ally desi­gned insu­rance cover is required for the object itself, its access­ories and also the inven­tory and house­hold effects.

In the event of an acci­dent, it is important to have compre­hen­sive cover, inclu­ding the costs of remo­ving the wreck. We offer tailor-made concepts for self-occu­pied floa­ting houses, regard­less of whether they are fixed or moto­rised. We also take into account the various types of use, for example as an owner-occu­pied domicile, rented holiday property or commer­cial office.

Within the scope of the house­boat liabi­lity insu­rance, our insu­rance cover also takes into account claims to third parties that may arise in general from opera­tion, but also from parti­ci­pa­tion in ship­ping traffic and envi­ron­mental hazards.


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