Marine Hull & Machinery

Hermann Firgau under­writes marine hull insu­rance on all inter­na­tio­nally reco­g­nised insu­rance condi­tions, for example German ADS/DTV Clauses, the Nordic Marine Insu­rance Plan, the English Insti­tute Hull Clauses or the American Insti­tute Clauses.
We specia­lise in crea­ting tailor-made coverage concepts to meet the excep­tional requi­re­ments of our clients. In addi­tion to protec­tion against physical damage to the vessel, its machi­nery, equip­ment and access­ories, marine hull insu­rance also covers the policyholder‘s colli­sion liabi­lity arising from contact with another vessel or liabi­lity in connec­tion with impact with fixed or floa­ting objects.
This insu­rance also covers the policyholder‘s legal and labour costs, salvage costs and general average costs.

We provide insu­rance cover for a wide range of commer­cial and specia­lised vessels, including:

  • General cargo vessels
  • Container ships
  • Bulk vessels
  • Tankers
  • Passenger and cruise ships
  • Tugs, towboats and specia­lised offshore vessels
  • Mega Yachts
  • Fishing vessels of all kinds

Based on our many years of expe­ri­ence, we offer inter­na­tional mari­time players and their insu­rance brokers access to the German insu­rance market, which is charac­te­rised by its relia­bi­lity and high efficiency.

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